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  • 🎖️ Offline AI boosts US military collaboration, China's perovskite cells achieve long-lasting efficiency, US scientist develops months-ahead earthquake prediction

🎖️ Offline AI boosts US military collaboration, China's perovskite cells achieve long-lasting efficiency, US scientist develops months-ahead earthquake prediction

Plus: US nuclear experiment mimics massive plasma jets ejected by black holes

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EdgeRunner, an American startup, is working closely with the defense sector to introduce state-of-the-art AI capabilities to the US military.

Their groundbreaking product, AI Battle Buddy, is an offline AI platform poised to revolutionize military support.

The AI Battle Buddy converts unstructured military data into an intelligent knowledge base, ensuring sensitive information remains secure and isn't transmitted to the cloud. Dive deeper into this topic with our Must-Read.

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AI Battle Buddy integrates with multiple devices, from laptops to smartphones, and operates effectively in fully air-gapped environments. This addresses crucial knowledge disparities between non-commissioned officers (NCOs) and Officers of varying experience levels.

Utilizing the advanced EdgeRunner Tactical model, AI Battle Buddy achieves high performance while using minimal resources. It essentially encapsulates over two decades of military wisdom into a single, interactive assistant.

Envisioned as an "NCO in a bottle,” the platform prioritizes security with local data integration for role-specific guidance and offline operation to protect sensitive data.

Researchers from China have achieved a staggering 28.49% power conversion efficiency for an all-perovskite tandem solar cell. This breakthrough addresses challenges related to stability and performance in perovskite solar cells.

By employing specific surface modifiers, they improved charge carrier transport and minimized energy losses, leading to enhanced solar cell performance.

The researchers also successfully scaled their process to module-level devices and demonstrated impressive stability, retaining nearly 80% efficiency after 550 hours of operation. These findings highlight the potential of perovskite solar cells for future commercialization.

A US scientist has developed a new method to potentially predict earthquakes months in advance by identifying prior low-level tectonic unrest. The research analyzed two major earthquakes and discovered abnormal low-magnitude seismic activity three months before each event.

The researcher suggests that increased pore fluid pressure within a fault may cause low-magnitude precursor activity, altering fault mechanics and leading to abnormal seismic activity before major earthquakes.

Scientists believe that machine learning can revolutionize earthquake research by identifying meaningful patterns in vast seismic datasets.

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> Scientists have discovered a neurohormone, similar to the human satiety hormone CCK, that triggers arm detachment in starfish during predator attacks. This hormone stimulates muscle contraction at the base of the arm, causing it to break off as a self-preservation mechanism. (More)

> US researchers developed a new proton-based technique to measure plasma shape and movement within tokamaks, potentially shedding light on how plasma jets form between stars. (More)

> NASA engineers, known for spacecraft, are now creating underwater robots to measure Antarctic ice melt and its impact on sea levels. A prototype was recently tested under the Arctic's frozen Beaufort Sea. (More)


> The Shetland Islands are now connected to the GB electricity grid, boosting the UK's clean energy efforts. This was made possible by the Viking Wind Farm and a subsea transmission link, leveraging Shetland's wind resources for energy production. (More)

> Finland’s capital city, Helsinki, is constructing the world's largest heat pump, capable of warming 30,000 homes using renewable energy even in -4°F temperatures, significantly cutting carbon emissions. (More)

> Located in Norway's frigid Kautokeino region, Snøhetta designed a resilient wooden building for a new cultural and education hub. This structure is 90% self-sufficient in heating and cooling, withstanding temperatures as low as -45°C. (More)


> Google is using AI to detect early signs of diseases like tuberculosis by analyzing audio signals such as coughs and sniffles. (More)

> Researchers created an injectable cardiac stimulator that self-assembles and treats heart arrhythmia with external power. Tested on animals, it injects nanoparticles around the heart to correct irregular heartbeats. (More)

> Researchers have developed a portable, 3D-printed device to count microplastics in water, replacing costly lab equipment. It uses a microscope, LED, and filter, with machine learning software on a smartphone analyzing the images. (More)


> A rare 12-foot oarfish, nicknamed the "doomsday fish" due to its association with earthquakes, has been spotted off the coast of San Diego. This sighting has sparked curiosity and concern as its presence is sometimes linked to seismic activity. (More)

> A mesmerizing dance of nature unfolds off the Malibu coast. Dolphins and seagulls converge on a school of fish, creating a breathtaking spectacle of survival and competition. (More)


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> NASA narrows Crew-9 lineup to accommodate astronauts aboard ISS

> Study finds RNA molecule controls butterfly wing coloration

> After uproar, Google revives AI-generated images of people, with limits

> Archaeologists discover unique ancient seal affirming biblical account of Jerusalem 2,700 years ago

> Brazilian court orders suspension of Elon Musk’s X after it missed deadline

> Badger culling to end in England within five years

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