Chatbot GPT-4 Turbo flexes radical upgrades

Chatbot GPT-4 Turbo flexes radical upgrades

“AI” has been a feature of life for years now — in apps like Alexa and Siri, in recommendation engines like Netflix — but these days it’s virtually everywhere. 

From Canva to Zoom, from day-trading to medicine, and even extreme use-cases like mind reading, AI is advancing rapidly toward AGI, or general artificial intelligence

AGI means that AI outputs will be indistinguishable from human outputs, and is the new declared mission of OpenAI (parent company of ChatGPT).

Here at AI Logs, we look at dozens of new AI tools weekly, narrowing the field to report on specific products, applications, and opportunities presented by next-gen AIs. But it's also important to stay ahead of the curve on trends we see coming, such as autonomous agents, as well as potential threats and legislation. 

X (or as we all know it, Twitter) has released their first AI, Grok, Apple is testing AppleCare AI for customer service and reportedly working on AppleGPT, and much more is coming down the pike. 

As much as it feels like we’re in the midst of an AI boom, it’s important to realize that still only a tiny fraction of humankind is using AI yet. 

We’re still early, and the best is yet to come.

This issue is our fourth, and closes out AI Log’s first month. We want to thank you for being a reader, and part of our community. I personally welcome all feedback on the newsletter — the good, the bad, and the ugly. 

This newsletter is for you — to help our community stay informed — and ultimately we’re here to serve you, so please don’t be shy! As I often say on LinkedIn, “Together we rise!”


GPT-4 Turbo: OpenAI unleashes most powerful AI with Vision at low cost

At its inaugural Dev Day event, AI company OpenAI announced the release of GPT-4 Turbo, the latest upgrade to its line of generative language models like GPT-3 and GPT-4. 

GPT-4 Turbo significantly expands the context window, allowing it to process over 300 pages of text in a single prompt, far exceeding previous versions limited to a few paragraphs. This enlarged context enables GPT-4 Turbo to have more recent knowledge and provide more detailed, nuanced responses grounded in events up to April 2023.

Another major upgrade is the addition of computer vision capabilities not found in prior versions. GPT-4 Turbo can now analyze images as well as text, better understanding real-world visuals. According to OpenAI CEO Sam Altman, the model was developed based on over a year of feedback from the developer community desiring more powerful, affordable AI. 

Notably, GPT-4 Turbo costs far less than the preceding GPT-4, potentially democratizing access to advanced AI technology previously out of reach for many.

Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella appeared alongside Altman at the GPT-4 Turbo announcement, underscoring Microsoft's substantial funding and support of OpenAI. 

Looking ahead, Altman suggested future development of GPT-5 but did not provide details on timeline. With its boosted conversational abilities and vision, GPT-4 Turbo offers new potentials for developers, researchers, and students exploring AI applications. Click below to get the full story.

Other Important Updates

Prompt of The Week

A great use case for generative AI is having it help you write a book, although it’s always best to ultimately revise the final manuscript to make it “yours” and to not feel like “just another book written by AI.” 

The following steps will help you use AI to write a first draft of your idea — don’t forget to give it a persona, and as much context as possible (e.g. “You are a NYT bestselling author who is known for human, a conversational tone, and wordplay...”). 

If using ChatGPT, you can also use Custom Instructions to give it more context about you, the project, expected outcomes, etc.

First — tell it your idea, and ask for suggestions for a working title. Once you’ve selected one that resonates with you, it’s time to craft chapter titles. Don’t settle on a “good” title — keep asking for more suggestions until you genuinely love one. 

If you’re not getting good suggestions, try providing more context or asking in a different manner.

Secondly — now that you have a working title for the book, ask for a specific number of chapters with title suggestions, and repeat the same process, refining until you’re please with the names of the chapters.

Thirdly — once the list of chapters has been created, provide some further insights into each chapter individually such as how many words it should be, formatting, what should be covered, etc. and ask it to begin to write the chapters, one by one

You can ask it to start with short chapters and then revisit to make them more substantial and coherent with other chapters as you go.

Save the manuscript in a file, with the title, chapter list, and each chapter. Then use Advanced Data Analytics or a similar tool that can read files, and ask for feedback from the AI about the book. 

  • Is it original? 

  • Fun to read?

  •  Too technical? 

  • Too short/long? 

Use the feedback to continue refining, and then ask it to write blurbs, potential sales and marketing collateral. This process can deliver great e-books, training manuals, even biographies, fiction, and more. 

You can then use DALL•E 3 or Canva AI to generate an awesome book cover! Again, just make sure that you put your human touch on it

AI Image of the Week: ‘Robot Intermarriage, Melbourne 1895, 2023’ by Hanna Silver

Melbourne musician and artist Hanna Silver won the People's Choice Award in the inaugural AI art competition Prompted Peculiar at Australia's Ballarat International Foto Biennale. Her work “Robot Intermarriage, Melbourne 1895” was created by entering an imaginative prompt into AI software. Though the program didn't generate the exact scene she described, Silver embraced the unpredictability of AI art. 

As public interest in AI-generated imagery grows, the Biennale included the category to spark discussion about visual culture. Silver's randomized creative process shows how artists are increasingly incorporating AI tools to push boundaries.


Hugging Face

There are many cool new AIs that are only available via Hugging Face. Let’s go over how to access and play with them: just go to and click on the “Browse 300k+ models” or “Browse 100k+ applications” and click into any that intrigue you. 

This is a great way to see some of the AI companies like Amazon and Meta are building, or to find tools that you can leverage before they become mainstream

I love Hugging Face because there’s a thriving community of AI enthusiasts and glimpses into what’s coming next in the world of AI.


🌪 Dust is an awesome AI that lets you toggle between ChatGPT3.5 turbo, ChatGPT4, Claude, and Claude Instant, allows collaboration with others inside of chats, can sync to tools like Slack, Asana, Google Drive, GitHub, where you can create assistants of your own to help you with your projects, and even create your own AI.  It’s free to use as a basic user (some integrations require an upgrade), and the implications are massive.

💬 OpenChat is an open-source product currently on Hugging Face that has incredible accuracy, is trained on a much smaller data set and imperfect data, and is the best version of this type of AI that I’ve come across. The implications for this to train your own models is absolutely incredible.

🗣 Murf AI is a text-to-voice generator that allows users to train their own voice models, which is a big step for personalizing this type of tech. This type of tech is popping up more and more, but this is my preference amongst all the available tools I’ve seen so far.

🎶 Google App has an interesting new(-ish) AI feature that’s surprisingly cool. “Want to find a song? Just hum part of it in the Google App”. Although there is still room for improvement, this solves a minor problem I’ve experienced countless times throughout life, and it’s a pretty unique use-case with potentially more implications.

Written by

Cory Warfield

LinkedIn Top Voice/Influencer in AI

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